The Theatre

Innovation Symposium, Use Case Commercialisation

Our client partners from esure insurance discuss how reinforcement learning can be a gamechanger in the industry for customer pricing models, as well as Key Stakeholders from our Accenture, Turing and West Midlands Police partnership discuss Project Castellum and how data is being used in the fight against modern day slavery.

"AI and...", Andy Hickl

“AI and...”, a series of videos produced by Wired Brand Lab for Accenture with Andy Hickl, Advanced AI Capability Lead, Managing Director at Accenture.

Many different Minds - The Theatre

Experience diverse use cases and AI feasibility with our speakers: Matthew Wicker, Post-doctoral researcher at The Alan Turing Institute, Florimond Hossieu, Post-doctoral researcher at The Alan Turing Institute, Catherine Innes, Data Science Senior Manager at Accenture, Henrietta Ridley, Data Science Senior Manager at Accenture, and a joint episode with Albert Phelps, Data Engineering Manager, and Chiara Cotroneo, Data Science Associate Manager at Accenture.

The Theatre

Our theatre offers a diverse array of presentations from leaders and innovators across our partnership, who will share their insights and expertise on the latest trends and developments in AI.

From emerging technologies to new business models, you'll have the opportunity to learn from some of the brightest minds and gain a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing many industries today.

The Theatre

Our theatre offers a diverse array of presentations from leaders and innovators across our partnership, who will share their insights and expertise on the latest trends and developments in AI.

From emerging technologies to new business models, you'll have the opportunity to learn from some of the brightest minds and gain a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing many industries today.